• To Be Determined

Multi-Club Swap Meet

  • Saturday, April 13 2024, Burnaby Lake West Sports Complex,
    3677 Kensington Ave, Burnaby. (west end of Joe Sakic Way)  Events | hoods-up
  • Burnaby Lake Flyers, Kamikaze Flyers, North Vancouver Radio Control Club, and Ridge Flyers are hosting an enormous multi-club swap meet. Now is your chance to find that special motor, servo, or hardware that you have been needing. Or maybe come home with another plane or helicopter. 

  • Time: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm      This event is open to the public                      

  • Table setup: 10:30 am              Table space is: $10 per table or $5 per half table               

    • (Must be a member of a host club to buy table space)

KMAS Annual Fun Fly

  • The Kamloops Model Airplane Society will be hosting its 20th Annual Fun Fly
    May 24 – 26, 2024.  Start Time 9:00 am each day. Pilot meeting 9:30 am each day.
  • click here for more details

About This Hobby

Flite Test Beginner Series:

Episode 1:  Choosing a Plane

Episode 2: Basic Aerodynamics

Episode 3: R/C Control System

Episode 4: Launching and Landing

Episode 5: Flying your Plane

Episode 6: Power System

Episode 7: Batteries and Safety 

Episode 8: Transmitters